Priorities and Goals

Our Responsibility for the Future is Everlasting...

Our Sustainability Priorities

The UN Sustainable Development Goals have been evaluated through stakeholder analyses conducted at Bakioğlu Holding and Group Companies. As a result of the evaluations, our Sustainability Priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals to which we will contribute have been determined.



Sustainable Development Goals That We Contribute to


Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action by the United Nations for governments, companies and non-governmental organizations to work in league with and take action against global problems to achieve a sustainable future. As Bakioğlu Holding and Packaging Group Companies, we support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We also accept the Sustainable Development Goals, which are associated with sustainability priorities, as part of the sustainability management program. We contribute directly towards 11 goals with the activities carried out by our Bakioğlu Holding and Packaging Group Companies.