
Our Responsibility for the Future is Everlasting...

CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project): CDP is the only independent international organization that globally reports the way the climate change risks are managed by the companies. Thanks to disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change strategies to the public and investors through CDP, companies and governments can now improve their performance by targeting carbon emission reductions. Bak Ambalaj and Polibak have been reporting CDP for supply chain research since 2010. Bak Ambalaj and Polibak were evaluated in Climate Change Research in 2022 and awarded with C-level.

CEFLEX: CEFLEX is a joint venture of a European companies and associations consortium representing the complete value chain of flexible packaging to improve the performance of flexible packaging in the circular economy. Bringing together organizations operating in different areas of expertise within flexible packaging production processes, the initiative aims to improve the performance of flexible packaging in the circular economy, increase resource efficiency and reduce waste. Bak Ambalaj, who is the first stakeholder participating from Turkey, played an important role in CEFLEX. Bak Ambalaj, Polibak and Bareks who are members of CEFLEX, take significant steps that contribute to the circular economy.

Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange): Sedex is one of the world's leading ethical trade membership organizations working with businesses to improve the working conditions for the global supply chain. It offers an online platform, tools and services that help businesses operate responsibly and sustainably, protecting their employees and obtaining their resources ethically. Bak Ambalaj, Polibak and Bareks share information with their clients via Sedex.

Flexible Packaging Manufacturers Association (FASD): FASD, which is among the leading representatives of the Turkish Flexible Packaging Industry, aims to develop the flexible packaging industry in Turkey as a whole and to create the appopriate environment and conditions to ensure that the manufacturing companies in the sector become among the leading suppliers of the world market. From our Packaging Group Companies, Bak Ambalaj, Polibak, Bak Gravür and Bareks, are members of FASD.

Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE): Representing more than 85 flexible packaging manufacturers operating in the field of plastic, aluminum, and paper, Flexible Packaging Europe aims to encourage the flexible packaging industry and protect sector's interests at the highest level in Europe. Bak Ambalaj who is a member of the association, also takes an active role in the executive committee.

ÇEVKO: ÇEVKO Foundation, which was established to build a sustainable recycling system for the economic and regular recycling of packaging wastes in Turkey, operates with an integrated waste management approach. It carries out activities to establish the necessary system to ensure that glass, metal, plastic, composite and paper/cardboard packaging wastes are recycled in a healthy and clean way. Bak Ambalaj who is a member of the ÇEVKO, contributes to integrated waste management.

EcoVadis: EcoVadis allows companies to be assessed in a holistic manner in terms of sustainability through a global platform. Each company is evaluated on significant issues specific to its size, position and industry. The evaluations cover a wide range of non-financial management systems, including impacts on Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. Polibak is registered in the EcoVadis system and is awarded with a Bronze Medal.

Ethics and Reputation Society (TEİD): TEİD was founded by the leading companies of our country with the objective of enabling business ethics to be the keystone of the written culture of all companies operating in Türkiye. Its purpose is to assist its members in creating and implementing a code of ethics policy, ensuring that the company's ethical values are embraced by all administrative and commercial functions of the company, and supporting the transformation of these values into a way of doing business. As Bakioğlu Group, which operates in line with business ethics and sustainability principles, we are honored to be a stakeholder of TEİD.